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phineas gage

Title: Phineas Gage

Author: Jhon Fleis Chman

Genre: non-fiction/biography

             Phineas Gage was a rail road worker in the 1800’s who had a horrible accident that lead to many discoveries about brain science.  He was a foreman who had an accident with explosives and survived despite having a major brain injury.  Phineas went on to have many jobs and to travel the world while making a “complete recovery”.  The accident changed him forever and changed what people thought about the human brain.

            The theme of this book is all about luck.  The author says Phineas is lucky, but it that really true?  I don’t agree with the authors prospective on things.  I say this because I don’t believe in luck, I simply think everything happens for a reason and luck is only how you look at it. 

            In phineas gage I liked some parts, but not others.  For example, I liked how they told the way he lived through his horrible accident for 11 years.  Although I didn’t like how many of the facts were unverified and possibly not true.  I would rate this book 3 stars cause some parts went on and on and, unverified.  I wouldn’t recommend this book to younger kids because it’s a little detailed and most kids would rather read a more fun book.